D-litter from Velvet Mountain...

The December`s arrived at 20.02.2016 :-) 4 Females (2 chocolate & 2 black), 1 chocolate Male and 1 Male in black. All is going well :-) *click*

Parents are:


Ch. Skovfarmen`s Black Kane

(Busligans Bocca * Skovfarmen’s Black Betty)

Colour: black

Size: 51,5 cm

Eyes: OB (free)

HD A1 (free)

ED 0/0 (free)

Heart: free (03/2016)

Teeth: full dentition




J. Ch. Beijerland`s Apple from Velvet Mountain

(Mountainmist The Fugitive * Kaja Kelpiebrink)

Colour: black

Size: 46 cm

Eyes: OB (free)

HD A1 (free)

ED 0/0 (free)

Heart: free (12/2015)

Teeth: full dentition


Pedigree D-litter.pdf
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